May summary!

2 juni 2018 - Åfjord, Noorwegen

By now we've finished the first month of our trip and want to make a summary of it, not the places we've visited, but the facts and figures:

- We've covered a total of 3380 km from Ivla, Sweden, till Flakk, Trondheim, Norway.

- We've used 64 hours to drive the total distance, giving us an average speed of 53 km/h.

Summary May sat nav

- We've stayed at 13 different places, of which 5 campings and 8 privte adresses.

Summary May Sleeping spots

- We've had some break downs: the exhaust of the car is leaking, our license plate got lost, the braking rod underneath the caravan got loose, one cabinet got loose, the water drain was leaking and one minor scratch on one of the caravan windows.

- We collected a lot of dust!

Summary May license plate Summary May dust

- We've got 30 days of sunny weather and 1 day with a couple of hours of rain, that's it :-)!

- Ilan learned to swing by himself, to say a proper 'r' in Dutch and to cycle by himself!

Summary May Ilan cycling

- We took 1194 pictures and made 125 movies.

- Gwyn got sick twice and puked in both the caravan and the car...

- We used exactly 1 bottle of gas in one month.

- We've visited 2 gletsjers and countless water falls.

- We've visited 4 cities: Oslo, Stavanger, Bergen and Trondheim.

- We've catched 0 fish...

- We had over 300 visitors to our blog!!!

Summary May visitors blog

- 0 minutes of television time, countless minutes of outdoor and family time!


2 Reacties

  1. Willy:
    2 juni 2018
    Leuk om te lezen. Veel gedaan en ver gereden, maar volgens mij ook heel erg genoten. Nu maar hopen dat juni ook zo weinig regen geeft. Heek veel liefs en knuffelkusjes. 😘😘
  2. Wim Emmerik:
    4 juni 2018
    Mooi reisverhaal; Noorwegen zit vol vis dus..; hoop dat auto en caravan het houden😣 wat een afstanden maken jullie en wat een prachtige natuur!!😚